Hemp Rope vs. Wire Rope – Early experiments with hand winching
Born in Dresden in 1797, Karl Gustav Adalbert von Weissenbach was a civil servant in the Department of Mines in Freiberg. In 1840, he became the Secretary of State at the Ministry for the Interior in Dresden. In this capacity, it was incumbent upon him to superintend all construction work commissioned by the government. He had known the machines manager, Brendel, since his time at Freiberg where Brendel had been responsible for all technical matters in Freiberg mines. It is thus understandable that he turned to him with a particular question. Under the archive shelf mark F.S.59 Acta Treibseile s.w.d.a. betr. Vol II in the Freiberg Mines Dept., there is a letter in which Weissenbach requests an answer to several questions concerning hydraulics.
Author(s): Weber, W.