

This list of Standards has been compiled by the OIPEEC Working Group for Standards. It is not exhaustive, but offered as guidance to interested parties. Those making use of this list are responsible for ensuring that they use the most up to date version of the Standard available. Further, the onus is on the user to ensure that the Standard is applicable to the application and the Country in which it is being used.

Neither OIPEEC, nor the members contributing to this list, shall be liable for any loss, damage or liability directly or indirectly caused, or alleged to be caused by use of this list.

Those wishing to purchase copies of the Standards listed should do so from the appropriate publisher. Links for this purpose are provided below: (International) (European) (French) (German) (British)

AWRF Archived Treasures


The OIPEEC Working Group would be very pleased to receive additions to this list (especially for other Countries). Please email your information (word document preferred) to the Working Group Chairman: Roland Verreet.