Non-destructive Examination Technology for Fibre Ropes Based on Advanced Vision Equipment and Algorithms

Non-destructive Examination Technology for Fibre Ropes Based on Advanced Vision Equipment and Algorithms

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The paper presents advanced computer vision-based technology developed by BBRG for non-destructive examination of fibre ropes, addressing a key barrier to wider adoption of these ropes. Following a brief background review the papers introduces BBRG’s fibre rope

NDE technology and equipment based on advanced algorithms and machine learning using 3D stereoscopic measurement. Evaluation of the technology in laboratory tests

demonstrates that the system is able to detect and analyse rope diameter variations, surface wear, and lay length changes in real-time, providing valuable insights into the

condition of the rope throughout its service life.

Author(s): C.Bonetti, A.Bell, M.Costa, D.Zanetti, J.Karedan, J.Churchfield, K.Bineklioglu, P.Wang