Research project digital measurement of rope rotation
The rope technology department at 1FT, University of Stuttgart invented a new technique for measuring rope rotation digitally within operation. A triple-axis acceleration-sensor is fixed to the rope at any position of interest, while the system is able to record acceleration at maximum of 1000Hz and Bg. By using the gravity influence on x and z axis, it is possible to filter vibrations and calculate the rope's rotation. Up to now, rough quality measurements had only been possible using colored mar1c.s or taped ribbons, spotted from fix positions. The new method allows overall investigation of rope-drives, espedally ropeways in terms of their natural and superimposed rotation by design parameters. A research project has been developed to create analysis parameters for damaging rope rotation, so the competence of 1FT in NOT, damage reports and bending fatigue tests on twisted ropes can now be linked with service behavior.
Author: K. Kuehner