Winder rope bottom layer (back end) maintenance

Winder rope bottom layer (back end) maintenance

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The purpose of the paper is to describe appropriate maintenance practices for the entire bottom layer on drum winders and in particular the back ends (dead turns). To obtain good rope life it is very important to conduct regular assessments and maintenance [1]. Visual assessments on a regular basis are important as these can identify the first signs of plastic deformation on the crown wires (tram lines). Magnetic rope condition assessments on the day of the back end cut can assist with the decision on the length of rope that needs to be pulled in. Experience over many years has shown that defects develop in this section of the rope and such defects can only be identified and properly assessed when the entire rope is reeled off the drum. The advantage of the back end cut is that it moves the crossover points which have a direct influence on the rope life.

Author(s): S. Mostert and P. Musgrove