Working Group B New calculation methods relating to strength and rigidity

Working Group B New calculation methods relating to strength and rigidity

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The Working Party B activity includes several items:
a) the interpretation of the results of the endurance tests: in addition to the old ones, some formulae have been proposed and compared;
b) new safety criteria, based on the endurance of the ropes, and new dimensioning methods, based on the acceptance fatigue test, the estimated load spectrum in service and the cumulative damage hypothesis.

The reports on these items have been presented in the Round Tables and other meetings and published in the Bulletin. The W.P. B has collaborated to the activity of the Joint Committee OITAF - OIPEEC for the new method to evaluate the rope endurance in the passenger ropeways. Moreover the W.P. has taken part in the activity of the T.C. 105 of ISO, particularly in the discussion of the Dutch proposals N. 75 on the steel wire ropes calculation and selection. An interesting collaboration has been carried out with the
European Wire Rope Information Service, EWRIS and the U.S. Wire Rope Technical Board.
The following paper by G. Luboz deals with the item A) of our Working Groups .

Author(s): U. Rossetti & M. Clayton