2015 OIPEEC Conference Paper Titles

Author(s) ODN Title
J.M. Teissier and D. Sayenga ODN 0912 Large structures in motion
B. Nussdorfer ODN 0913 Polymer pulleys and sheaves in rope applications
B. Pourladian, K. Bowland and M. Janda ODN 0914 Design and development of steel riser assembly for the Orion space capsule
C.R. Chaplin ODN 0915 Cabling in multiple fall ropes of lifting systems for deep water
R.B. Kante and D. Cannell ODN 0916 Challenges in assurance of high value large diameter ropes used in deep water subsea construction activities
U. Briem ODN 0917 New calculation method for riser-tensioner ropes
I.M.L. Ridge, P. Wang, O. Grabandt and N. O’Hear ODN 0918 Appraisal of ropes for LNG moorings
S. Winter and A. Finckh-Jung ODN 0919 From 4 mm to 50 mm rope diameter – Scaling up a new termination for high-modulus fibre ropes
B. Longatti ODN 0920 Experience with the design, calculation and service life of the "long splice" type of rope connection
T.W. Klein ODN 0921 The security of cable assemblies
G. Novak and S. Winter ODN 0922 Use of high-modulus fibre ropes in rope drives
A.A. Tytko, P. Gospodarczyk, G. Stopka and M. Szot ODN 0923 Wire rope net structures as safety devices in mine shaft deepening
E. Huntley, O. Grabandt and R. Gaëtan ODN 0924 Non-Destructive Test methods for high-performance synthetic rope
R. Söhnchen ODN 0925 Securing safety of ropes with a visual rope inspection system
K. Kuehner ODN 0926 Research project digital measurement of rope rotation
B. Kaltenrieder, S. Hages, L. von Laue, U.Schneider and T. Weber ODN 0927 Wire rope supported transmission line for large vertical distances
E. Forouzesh, J. Golinowski and B. Pourladian ODN 0928 A more environmentally friendly smooth electromechanical cable
T. Weber and K.-H. Wehking ODN 0929 Bending fatigue of wire ropes under torsion
A. Lohrengel, K. Stahr, M. Schulze and M. Wächter ODN 0930 Innovative drum construction for multi-layer winding with fibre ropes
W. van den Bos ODN 0931 A parametric FEM model of multi-layer drums