Author(s) |
Title |
J.M. Teissier and D. Sayenga |
ODN 0912 |
Large structures in motion |
B. Nussdorfer |
ODN 0913 |
Polymer pulleys and sheaves in rope applications |
B. Pourladian, K. Bowland and M. Janda |
ODN 0914 |
Design and development of steel riser assembly for the Orion space capsule |
C.R. Chaplin |
ODN 0915 |
Cabling in multiple fall ropes of lifting systems for deep water |
R.B. Kante and D. Cannell |
ODN 0916 |
Challenges in assurance of high value large diameter ropes used in deep water subsea construction activities |
U. Briem |
ODN 0917 |
New calculation method for riser-tensioner ropes |
I.M.L. Ridge, P. Wang, O. Grabandt and N. O’Hear |
ODN 0918 |
Appraisal of ropes for LNG moorings |
S. Winter and A. Finckh-Jung |
ODN 0919 |
From 4 mm to 50 mm rope diameter – Scaling up a new termination for high-modulus fibre ropes |
B. Longatti |
ODN 0920 |
Experience with the design, calculation and service life of the "long splice" type of rope connection |
T.W. Klein |
ODN 0921 |
The security of cable assemblies |
G. Novak and S. Winter |
ODN 0922 |
Use of high-modulus fibre ropes in rope drives |
A.A. Tytko, P. Gospodarczyk, G. Stopka and M. Szot |
ODN 0923 |
Wire rope net structures as safety devices in mine shaft deepening |
E. Huntley, O. Grabandt and R. Gaëtan |
ODN 0924 |
Non-Destructive Test methods for high-performance synthetic rope |
R. Söhnchen |
ODN 0925 |
Securing safety of ropes with a visual rope inspection system |
K. Kuehner |
ODN 0926 |
Research project digital measurement of rope rotation |
B. Kaltenrieder, S. Hages, L. von Laue, U.Schneider and T. Weber |
ODN 0927 |
Wire rope supported transmission line for large vertical distances |
E. Forouzesh, J. Golinowski and B. Pourladian |
ODN 0928 |
A more environmentally friendly smooth electromechanical cable |
T. Weber and K.-H. Wehking |
ODN 0929 |
Bending fatigue of wire ropes under torsion |
A. Lohrengel, K. Stahr, M. Schulze and M. Wächter |
ODN 0930 |
Innovative drum construction for multi-layer winding with fibre ropes |
W. van den Bos |
ODN 0931 |
A parametric FEM model of multi-layer drums |