A proposal for the application of Finite Element Analysis and Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics in endurance prediction of structural strand pendants
High-carbon steel wires of eutectoid composition are used in many modern engineering applications which require both high strength and fatigue endurance. The most demanding applications are those for wire ropes, tire cords, and structural strands used for Iong-span suspension bridges as well as mooring of deep water offshore platforms. Historically, the most successful models for endurance prediction of wire ropes and strands have been of empirical type. The effect of wire material is not well accounted for in the existing empirical formulations. ln this paper, an application of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) modelling of an end-attachment (or socket) for determination of stress distribution is presented. It is proposed that the FEA stress analysis results can be utilised in a Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) approach to endurance prediction of a strand pendant subjected to axial tension-tension fatigue. The proposed method promises to be a more rational approach by including fracture behaviour of wire material in the prediction formulation for multi-wire strands.
Author: B. Pourladian