A research on the influence of the diameter of the test pulleys on the fatigue life of a small wire rope with a new testing rig
The considerations that have lead to the construction of a dedicated rig for fatigue tests on small wire ropes and the results of the tests to ascertain the influence of the diameter of the test rollers (pulleys) on the fatigue life of the tested wire rope are reported. The tested wire rope was the same as already used in previous work [3] and [4], a spiral construction [1(0.22) + 6(0.20) + 12(0.20)], very high grade brass coated steel (, 2700 MPa ultimate strength). The results of the tests to evaluate the dynamic loads induced by the test rig are also reported with some proposals about the formula to be used to present the results.
Author(s): R. Ciuffi and F. Piccioli