An epic journey into the manufacturing of modern wire rope lubricants with focus on the mining industry
Wire rope dressings or rather lubricating compounds are as old as the hills. There are many ways to produce these lubricants and many components that are used to impart special properties. This paper takes the end user on an epic journey into the selection of special ingredients used in historic and modern wire rope lubricants, how they are carefully blended into special products and the critical application methodology for rope manufacturers and end users wishing to re-lubricate in service. With a great focus on HSEQ and more especially on moving away from bitumastic / asphalt type lubricants to more modern, safe to use lubricants we review the current market needs both locally and internationally related to the mining industry. Insight into laboratory test methods are shared along with application methods for in-service ropes and rope inspections.
Author: A. Allner