Considerations concerning the service life of wire ropes
Technical Meeting - Endurance of Wire Ropes under Fluctuating Tension – Stuttgart 1995
The problem of determination of life by computation could be possible after introduction of the concept of "cumulative damage", by PALMGREN and MINER. Accordingly having. the WÖHLER curve. By extrapolation. based on linear or non-linear theories a LIFE ESTIMATION METHOD is presented. function ?f stepwise testing program and accepted loading block. The approach proposed refers to the tension-tension fatigue endurance curve {C.R. Chaplin. Bull.56. OIPEEC. 1988. p.9/22. p.39/40). which. having the slope "m" in loglog coordinates, can be extrapolated by a multiplier (M) of the number of cycles. obtaining the service life curve. It is also treated the possibility of establishing the dangerous overstresses for the endurance of the wire rope.
Author: Babeu, T.