New methods for determination of elongation and modulus of elasticity of steel ropes
The elongation and modulus of elasticity of steel ropes depend on many factors. It makes it difficult to determine closely these properties in such measure in which they are known since a long time eg. for steel bars. Although the investigations in this field were started by the end of the last century, this problem is still unsolved to the end. Theoretical relationships given by various authors simply had to be based on many simplifying assumptions and cannot entirely express the real process of deformation of a tie rod with such complex construction as a steel rope. The experimental tests carried out thus far also did not lead to the full solution. The method and ranges of these tests were different and concerned often the ropes of somewhat different construction and production technology than the mine winding ropes used now in Poland. Therefore the investigations carried out by the author of the present paper aimed at a partial solution of this problem. The investigations were conducted at the Central Mining Institute, Katowice.
Author: J. Hankus