New mini-defectoscope for steel rope testing
The paper is based on the basic theory, manufacture and experimental results related to a new construction of magnetic defectoscope for the non-destructive inspection of steel ropes, ferromagnetic rods, and pipes. This equipment is based on Hall detectors and can be used for the inspection of cylindrical bodies up to 40 mm diameter. Together with the application of modern mathematical methods in signal processing (e.g. wavelet transformation) a new quality in non-destructive testing may be obtained. The typical flux-field behaviour in the new type of magnetization head is modelled by ANSYS in detail. The experimental results are demonstrated by the example of tube inspection. The experimental results from the device showed that the variations of cross section of the test piece are generally indicated down to 0.8%.
Author(s): J. Pistora, M. Lesnak and T. Yamaguchi