Non-destructive testing of resin cast sockets - possibilities and limits
Ropes near their end connections are often loaded beyond their fatigue strength. This is particularly so at the termination of haulage ropes on the carriages of ropeway cabins. At such points termination methods should therefore be chosen so as to allow checking of the condition of the rope by non-destructive methods. If this cannot be done, these highly stressed elements have to be periodically cut off and remade.
Filled polymeric resin is used more and more instead of metal to cast conical sockets. The question therefore arises, whether plastic could be used in the construction of the ends of haulage ropes. To do so a field proven method has to be found first that could be used to test the rope within the resin cast socket with sufficient accuracy.
Author(s): Oplatka, G., Roth, M.