Principles, possibilities and limits of magnetic vesting of steel wire ropes
Present day requirements set on hoisting ropes in mines.In one of the biggest hoisting plants in the Federal Republic of Germany, in the main shaft of the "Consolidation Mine" a useful load of 42 t is conveyed by 6 ropes arranged in parallel, performing approx. 700 hoists per day each. The service life of these hoisting ropes is about two years. During this period they are capable of carrying out around 300 000 hoisting cycles at a shaft depth of 1000 m, this means 300 000 km. During their life-time these hoisting ropes will achieve approx . 8000 operating hours. A comparison of shaft hoisting equipment characterizing the technical standard of the 60ies and 80ies (see Table 1) indicates clearly the remarkable development, which took place during this period: the useful load increased, as well as
the shaft depth and the number of operating hours per day .Even with 6 ropes instead of 4 ropes the useful load per rope increased from 4 500 kg to 5 500 kg .
Author(s): E. Haibach, P. Mertens & E. Ulrich