Last year the OIPEEC Management Board decided that as a part of a policy to provide an improved service for its members the Bulletin should make regular bibliographic reviews of publications relating to the broad issues of Wire Rope. This new item will in future become a regular feature of the Bulletin covering a period of the previous six months: so the spring edition will cover the previous July to December, and the autumn edition, January to June. The information is being compiled at Reading with inputs from correspondents covering various different language journals. Any members who are publishing papers may wish to help by sending full details to Reading (address given at the end of the review). It is regretted that the information service cannot be a reprint service; for many of the publications listed we do not have a full copy, and the work that would be involved is more than can be supported. It is hoped that members wishing to obtain copies of the publications listed will be able to do so through their own library services, or perhaps direct from the authors.
Author(s): R. Chaplin & I. Ridge