Sockets for wire ropes, rope terminations and holding of ropes at CIS mines
Round Table Conference Rope Terminations and Fittings – Bethlehem 2001
There are various capping techniques, used in mines of the Commonwealth of Independent States- CIS (former USSR countries). Their configuration depends on: the inclination angle of the winding machine (vertical, various-angled, horizontal haulage), the function of the winding machine (mine operating, shaft sinking), and rope construction. This variety of techniques has not been recently set, and changes, if any, have never been quick. Over the last 15 years only one new wedge socket design with a double-sided grip has been widely introduced in vertical winders. lt features, amongst others currently in use, a double-sided wedge socket, of small size, easily split, with low rope strength Iosses under static Ioads and high reliability for dynamic Ioads with lateral oscillations. lts distinctive feature is realized in a lower lateral rigidity of wedging surfaces where the rope exits the wedge socket. The Makeyevka Safety in Mines Research Institute (MakNII) test procedure is the basis for approval of a wedge socket for mine use.
Author: V. Berezhinsky