RoundTable – HOW SAFE IS A ROPE? – Krakow 1981
Since the hoisting rope was constructed. Scientific literature has dealt with magnitudes of forces occurring in a rope which acts as a bearing, tractive .or guiding element or as, simultaneously, a bearing and tractive·element in a system. However, in the past the main effort of the scientist was devoted to improve the technique of solving well~ known sets_ of equations, whereas there is an almost complete lack of papers devoted to the problem of finding most exact descriptions of phenomena occurring in a hoisting rope. ·The authors, influenced by the already existing models very often pass over the problems they encountered while preparing a mathematical description of the phenomenon; they solve well-known equations making use of the constantly growing calculation capacity resulting from the development of electronic digital computers. Determining an increasing number df degrees of freedom for a modal of a vibrating rope, they obtain a more and more precise theoretical solution. However, from experiments as well as from theory /as will be shown further on/ it appears that only the lowest free Vibration frequencies and the modes of the free Vibration frequencies ~an occur.
Author(s): Witold Linke . Jerzy Rzysko