State of the art of research in the field of the endurance of ropes
In a survey of new ways for ropes, which formed my contribution to the Round Table meeting held in 1977 in Luxemburg, I tried to scatch the directions of such ways and their destinations. Because my views haven't changed drastically and since the developments during the past two years don't allow for much of the time of this Round Table I will elaborate somewhat the demands , resulting from the new ways for ropes, made upon research. You certainly will not be surprised when I will touch occasionally the rôle OIPEEC can play in this march towards new destinations. It is not my task to make a historagraphy of OIPEEC but I like to recall the fourth International Congress of ropeways organized in Vienna by OITAF in June 1975. During that occasion I had the honour to offer on behalf of OIPEEC three achievements to OITAF:
1) scientific rope know-how;
2) discarding criteria;
Author: G. C. Meeuse