Summary of terms and definitions for EN 12385-2

Summary of terms and definitions for EN 12385-2

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OIPEEC is an organization with members of many nationalities from across the world. Many of the countries have their own rope standards, and a variety of notations for the various parameters which describe and define wire ropes are in use. At the last OIPEEC meeting, the point was raised that we should try to use consistent nomenclature so as to be as clear as possible what we mean when we are discussing a wire rope. To help with this, Paul-Gerd Voigt has kindly prepared lists of terms, symbols and definitions in accordance with the European standard EN 12385- 2 for both English and German. The following tables cover:

  • Terms and definitions for describing all the parameters of wire ropes
  • Types and amounts of lubricants.

 Author(s): Voigt, P-G.