Swaged terminals for steel wire ropes
Round Table Conference Rope Terminations and Fittings – Bethlehem 2001
Most of the typically used permanently installed terminations for steel wire ropes e.g. splices, metal and resin socketing and ferruled-secured eyes are covered by standards (for example in the standard series EN 13411 ). The attractive and commonly used swaged terminal type, which are often used in safety critical applications, are only partially standardised. ln order to produce a safe and durable swaged terminal, adaptation of the terminal design and dimensioning is necessary, at least for the most widely used rope constructions, rope cores, lubrication etc. This paper gives an overview of the results of tensile and tension-tension tests with steel wire ropes and swaged terminals made at the Institute of Mechanical Handling, University of Stuttgart. ln this investigation the rope construction, the rope parameters and the terminal parameters e.g. the diameter ratio of the terminal shank before and after swaging and the swaging length were varied over wide ranges. The preferred manufacturing process in this investigation was the "rolling between roller dies" technique, but a comparison with other manufacturing processes is included. From these results a general proposal valid for design and dimensions of swaged terminals is made.
Author: W. Vogel