Ultra deep temperature behaviour of wire rope and rope wires
Mobile cranes are regularly operated in regions which experience ultra deep operating temperatures of down to -60?C (-76?F). In safety regulated work environments crane operations will be suspended simply because the lowest wire rope working temperature stated in the applicable standards is -40?C/F. Examples of ultra deep temperature wire rope application are shown in Figure 1.1 and 1.3. It should be noted that this paper is written in conjunction with a paper written by the co-author Ulrich Briem titled “Fatigue Behaviour of Rope Wires”, presented and published in unison with this one. In order to analyze the behaviour under ultra deep temperature conditions, tests on wire rope as well as on rope wires were carried out. In the following, static tensile and bending test results with rope and rope wires will be reported, which were carried out in conditions of down to -95?C (-139?F) as well as at room temperature. The conclusion is that the results of these tests can be adopted to crane wire rope as well.
Author(s): K. Buschmann and U. Briem